Request for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Determination

Please provide as much information as possible to submit your determination request online.

If preferred, you may also submit your request by mail or fax:


Johns Hopkins Advantage MD
c/o CVS Caremark Part D Services
Coverage Determination and Appeals Department
PO BOX 52000 MC 109
Phoenix AZ 85072-2000

Fax Number:

You may also give us a call at 1-877-293-5325 for PPO or 1-877-293-4998 for HMO (TTY:711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or visit for more information.

Who May Make a Request:

Your prescriber may ask us for a coverage determination on your behalf. If you want another individual (such as a family member or friend) to make a request for you, that individual must be your representative. Contact us to learn how to name a representative.

Enrollee’s Information

All fields are optional unless marked as required.


Enter 10-digit phone number

Complete the following section ONLY if the person making this request is not the enrollee or prescriber:

Enter 10-digit phone number

1Representation documentation for requests made by someone other than enrollee or the enrollee's prescriber:
Attach documentation showing the authority to represent the enrollee (a completed Authorization of Representation Form CMS-1696 or a written equivalent). For more information on appointing a representative, contact your plan or 1-800-Medicare.

Prescription Drug You Are Requesting:

Type of Coverage Determination Request

2Note: If you are asking for a formulary or tiering exception, your prescribing physician MUST provide a statement to support your request. Requests that are subject to prior authorization (or any other utilization management requirement), may require supporting information. Your prescriber may also use the "Supporting Information for an Exception Request or Prior Authorization" to support your request.

Important Note: Expedited Decisions

If you or your prescriber believe that waiting 72 hours for a standard decision could seriously harm your life, health, or ability to regain maximum function, you can ask for an expedited (fast) decision. If your prescriber indicates that waiting 72 hours could seriously harm your health, we will automatically give you a decision within 24 hours. If you do not obtain your prescriber's support for an expedited request, we will decide if your case requires a fast decision. You cannot request an expedited coverage determination if you are asking us to pay you back for a drug you already received.

An electronic signature is required on this request.

Clicking the submit button at the bottom of this form, will serve as your electronic signature.


Supporting Information for an Exception Request or Prior Authorization

Formulary and Tiering Exception requests cannot be processed without a prescriber's supporting statement. Prior Authorization requests may require supporting information.

An electronic signature is required on this request.

Clicking the submit button at the bottom of this form, will serve as your electronic signature.

Prescriber’s Information

Enter 10-digit phone number

Diagnosis and Medical Information

Diagnosis—Please list all diagnoses being treated with the requested drug and corresponding ICD-10 codes.

(If the condition being treated with the requested drug is a symptom e.g. anorexia, weight loss, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, etc., provide the diagnosis causing the symptom(s) if known)

Drug History (for treatment of the condition(s) requiring the requested drug)

Drug Safety

Any FDA NOTED CONTRAINDICATIONS to the requested drug?
Any concern for a DRUG INTERACTION with the addition of the requested drug to the enrollee’s current drug regimen?

High Risk Management of Drugs in the Elderly

If the enrollee is over the age of 65, do you feel that the benefits of treatment with the requested drug outweigh the potential risks in this elderly patient?

Opioids (please complete the following questions if the requested drug is an opioid)

Are you aware of other opioid prescribers for this enrollee?
Is the stated daily MED dose noted medically necessary?
Would a lower total daily MED dose be insufficient to control the enrollee’s pain?

Rationale for Request


You can submit up to five (5) attachments as supporting documentation. Limit 10 megabytes allowed per prescription drug coverage determination request. If you have other drugs you would like to request a coverage determination request for, please submit a form for each. To save your document into a .jpg or a .tif, go to file, save as, and save it with the extension of your choice. If you are scanning in a document, it is possible your scanner will save it in a .pdf format.
Choose files

    An electronic signature is required on this request. Clicking the submit button below, will serve as your electronic signature.